British Airways
London Gatwick Airport (LGW), Horley, Gatwick RH6 0NP, UK
As the nation’s flag carrier, we take great pride in connecting Britain with the world and the world with Britain.
It’s something we’ve been doing for over 100 years, ever since we launched the world’s first international scheduled air service between London and Paris.
This originality has been in our blood since day one. It’s the spirit we share with the people that fly with us, our partners, and our colleagues.
So, whether you are a reassuring voice on the end of a phone, a smile at the door, under a wing keeping the turbines spinning or landing us gently in far-flung places, a job at British Airways is yours to make.
We know great things can happen when you’re inspired to think big and bring your ambition to work every day, which is why, at British Airways the sky is never the limit.
At BA Euroflyer every single person here is helping to take our wings to new incredible heights at London Gatwick. We have a short haul network...
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