Tokenism refers to when diversity is only implemented on the surface without being meaningful. Lately, it has been found that tokenism does not go far enough in resolving social problems of inequality and marginalisation. This article will address why moving past tokenism is important and suggest ways we can create inclusive and
There are several reasons why tokenism is problematic. First and foremost, it does not address the root causes of inequality because it focuses on superficial changes such as hiring a few people from underrepresented groups or having diverse casts in advertisements. As a result, tokenism does not go deep into discriminatory practices that exist in society.
Additionally, tokenism can be harmful. This may lead those who have been brought in as tokens to feel compelled to be like the dominant culture so as fit within the group. Consequently, they may lose their cultural identity and experience estrangement feelings. Moreover, this act may make people view one's actions as hypocritical or insincere thus resulting in a lack of trust among them.
So how do we move beyond tokenistic gestures into making real change? Here are some strategies to consider:
Instead of looking at individual symbolic acts, we need to examine the structures and systems underlying these inequalities. This includes examining factors such as bias in recruitment and promotion processes; unequal access to resources and opportunities; cultural norms that privilege some over others.
We need to listen deeply in order understand the lives experiences of marginalised individuals and communities by giving space for them to share stories about their lives & actively seeking out their thoughts.
Saying we value diversity & inclusion is one thing but living up to this statement is another thing altogether– so let us hold ourselves accountable for making progress toward these goals in reality. Therefore, measurable targets should be set aside while monitoring our progress continuously with the willingness to change course if necessary.
Tokenism often comes from wanting to appear liberal or trendy rather than a genuine interest in diversity or inclusion. If we don’t want this trap, then our attention must only be on the changes that do not stop at looking beautiful. We need patience, money and time for sustainability even if results take too long.
Lastly, tolerance must be distinguished from celebrating differences. This includes deliberately seeking out diverse perspectives and experiences within our organisations or communities where they are valued. We also need a culture that recognises other identities/ experiences while fighting against discrimination/bias.
As an easy way out to issues of inclusion and diversity, tokenism may seem like a good idea; however, in essence it fails miserably at bringing about any substantial changes. By focusing on systemic change, listening to marginalised voices, holding ourselves accountable, prioritising long-term change, and celebrating diversity we can create more inclusive environments for all. Though it might take some time eventually it pays off.