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British Heart Foundation launches Equality Diversity and Inclusion strategy

British Heart Foundation launches Equality Diversity and Inclusion strategy

The British Heart Foundation has released a new equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy that outlines its goals and plans from 2021 to 2025 as well as its continued commitment to ensuring that equality and diversity are central in everything it does.

The Kaleidoscope team of the charity which is responsible for diversity and inclusion along with working together with representatives from the medical research community, patients and supporters had inputs into creating this strategy.

This focuses on igniting change through three main ways: by fostering an environment where anyone who works with the charity can achieve success regardless of where they come from; increasing awareness around heart health inequalities so that no one receives worse care because of their identity or residence; aiming towards a more diverse cardiovascular research community, being inclusive in how research funding decisions are made.

For the next three years, it sets out seven long-term objectives which will run until 2025:

  • To ensure fair progression opportunities for all our staff
  • BHF should aim to see increased trustee/board member workforce gender, ethnic & educational background diversification
  • Create an open inclusive culture at BHF
  • Encouraging inclusivity in how research funding decisions are made, such as design of BHF funded research
  • Promoting representation of all types within cardiovascular investigation
  • Keeping track of ongoing inequalities in CVD to lead change
  • Engagement and involvement must be both relevant and accessible