Innovation is the currency that drives success in the fast-paced world of tech start-ups. Having new ideas helps to stay ahead of the curve and outpace competitors. There is increasing evidence that workforce diversity is a secret sauce behind many of these breakthrough ideas. Let’s look into why a diverse team is good for innovation, based on some real-life examples from the world of tech start-ups.
Many times, invention results from connecting seemingly unrelated dots. Through having a varied team, you are bringing together an enormous range of experiences, cultural backgrounds, and ways of thinking that are essential for coming up with original solutions to complicated problems.
For example, it has been found by a Boston Consulting Group study that companies with more diversified management teams can reap 19% more revenues as a result of their innovativeness. Why? This happens because diverse teams may see market gaps or understand various customer bases and envision products that homogenous teams would miss.
Different backgrounds mean different approaches to challenges. This becomes particularly true when referring to educational, cultural and gender differences.
A research piece in HBR emphasised that diverse groups can process facts more objectively while also solving complex tasks better than their counterparts do. They are less prone to “groupthink” when faced with challenges in order to come at them from multiple angles and therefore identify the most effective solution.
Tech startups know no geographical boundaries. A product made in Silicon Valley can have users in Seoul, São Paolo or Stockholm, too, thus a diverse team leads to a comprehensive understanding of global markets demand dynamics and behavior patterns.
Do you know that immigrants or children of immigrants founded 40% Fortune 500 companies? These founders brought local and global insights together which made more flexible products relevant internationally.
Diversity often implies inclusivity within an environment. In such settings, individuals feel valued and accepted which results in better job performance, decreased turnover and increased job satisfaction.
For example, tech giant Intel reported that inclusive and diverse teams were 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their markets. This kind of team environment enables workers to become more creative, committed and motivated.
In today’s work force, the best talent (especially among younger generations) seeks diversity and inclusion when identifying a potential employer, so commitment to diversity is simply a commitment to drawing the crème-de la-crème of employees. According to McKinsey’s report, companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 21% more likely to outperform competitors, while ethnic/cultural diversity are 33% more probable.
The evidence is clear–there is an overwhelming case for having diverse workforces especially within the arena of tech start-ups. There is immense benefit available for both employers and people looking for jobs by embracing and celebrating diversity.
For Job Seekers, find companies that value diversity—it’s where your distinct perspectives will matter most and where you’ll have maximum influence. For Employers, understand that it may no longer be about your product or service alone but rather about the various minds behind its creation if you want to stay ahead in tech space competition. Your next game changing idea might come from a perspective you least expect!
Be groundbreaking. Be multifarious.