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Diving into DiverseJobsMatter: Our Mission, Our Dedication, Our Results

Diving into DiverseJobsMatter: Our Mission, Our Dedication, Our Results

Who are DiverseJobsMatter?

DiverseJobsMatter [DJM] is an inclusive job board and talent platform that ensures all candidates are unbiasedly considered during the hiring process. We are driven by passion, frustration, and a powerful sense of justice. We aim to close gaps in the recruitment pipeline to remove structural inequalities across multiple industries and ensure that underrepresented people can start or progress in their careers. DJM is led by recruitment experts with over 20 years of experience, and talented executives who are informed and enthusiastic about diversity, inclusion, and equality join them via the government's Kickstarter scheme. From the comprehensive sign-up form to the dedicated account management and flexible pricing packages, this blog will walk you through DJM's unique yet successful strategy as a talent acquisition platform.


For Candidates:

Unique and Comprehensive Candidate Sign-Up:

The DJM site is accessible and easy to navigate as a talent platform integral to our functioning. Our candidate sign-up form is inclusive and non-generic instead of asking and providing generic questions and answers about protected characteristics under the Equality Act [sexual orientation, religion, race and ethnicity, marital status, [dis]ability]. The categories and options available for selection are numerous, and the purpose is so that candidates do not feel like they must put themselves into a box and identify themselves in whatever manner they feel comfortable. We respect that some candidates might be conflicted about disclosing specific details, so there is always the option of 'prefer not to say.' This form helps us find hidden talent pools that might not have been recognized under any standardized recruitment sign-up form.

Applying for vacancies:

The DJM site holds a myriad of vacancies; there is something for everyone here. Under the vacancies tab on the job board, candidates can peruse all the jobs available. We hold posts from entry level to director of operations; though DJM is based in London, we have posts available across the country. We hold vacancies from various industries; with such a wide range of vacancies available to candidates, they should be able to find and apply for a job they will resonate with.

For Clients:

Flexible and well-valued packages:

Our website formats and presents the prices and services available in all our packages. Each package breaks down job posting limits, ATS status, the social media and SEO campaigns level, and time with us. We also offer a custom package, a mixture of features from the different packages listed on our website. Clients will also have a dedicated account manager who will provide statistical feedback and provide a shortlist of candidates for any vacancies posted. Our team actively manages your job postings, and you will get regular service, advice, and feedback from your account manager.

For clients who choose to select a bronze level package or higher, there is also an opportunity for your vacancies to be shared with our partnership networks and their members, ensuring that your vacancies get exposure beyond a simple posting on the job board.

Social media and SEO campaigns:

We do extensive social media campaigning depending on the package you purchase. The basic social media package includes posting your vacancies on our social media channels. A more comprehensive social package consists of a sit down with our diversity officer for a blog and podcast interview to promote your vacancies and demonstrate your commitment to establishing and promoting diversity, equality, and inclusion in the workplace. We are using all the digital tools to ensure your vacancies get critical exposure.


We partner with a range of meaningful organisations; they range from NGOs to charities. The partnerships are beneficial for clients as they many be able to provide services and training in their partnership deal for companies to better understand how to implement EDI strategies. What is more, is they can promote vacancies amongst their members to further expose your vacancies to a new talent pool.

Getting into contact with us is easy. You can head over to and fill out the contact form and one of our executives will reply to you in s timely manner. If you are a candidate, you can join us using the sign-up form under the job seekers tab on our website. If you are a client, you can directly sign on with us via the pricings page by selecting the package that you desire.

DJM is continuously striving to create a more representative workforce, where every individual regardless of their demographic can find a career, they are enthusiastic about.


Written by: Noor Ahmad

Role: Diversity Officer