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How to set diversity goals, the smart way

How to set diversity goals, the smart way

In order to change and transform the composition of a company, effective diversity goals can be utilised. Nevertheless, without proper input, structure or scope you will find it hard to attain them. This article will guide you on how to set realistic and inspiring diversity goals.

Goals are intrinsically motivating; they get people’s attention back on track by showing them what is left between where we presently are and where we intend to be. Goal setting in relation to diversity can help ensure that different groups are fairly represented at all levels within your organisation

Diversity goals add more complexity. Do you have trouble striking the right balance between achievable and aspirational targets? Do they seem like arbitrary figures plucked from thin air? These are some common challenges.

Realistic, specific, inspiring and inclusive goals

Checklist of actions:

  • What would you like your company’s Diversity profile look like?
  • To give your objectives meaningful input, benchmark your company make-up.
  • Set diversity goal for specific things that it should be measured against.

How does your company makeup compare

Successful goals need careful thought about what they comprise off. Goals need to be specific but if numbers feel arbitrary then you won’t meet them.

It is crucial that these aims be lofty enough so as to inspire their way towards possible achievements. They should not just aim at attaining; they must aim at changing significantly because if they don’t, there will still be no difference in the long run. But also when an individual sets difficult targets he or she may feel that he or she has been put up for failure.

Doing little research can enable you set goals that are both realistic and precise; this will involve looking around your industrial environment to see who else has done what you want to do too.

Think about where you want to be in terms of diversity

When you have data, it is very clear about where exactly the entity wants to reach as well as what it wants to attain in terms of diversity. You may set a goal, but you must have a direct line of sight on what the diversity means. Spend at least two hours brainstorming with key stakeholders about what your goals will cover.

Develop your Diversity Goals

Now, think about how you can get there.

In order to maintain goals that inspire and motivate, stick to the SMART acronym. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound goals make them inspiring and motivating too. By doing this you will remove all ambiguity and put the finish line clearly into view.