Diversity is about the many ways in which we differ. Our genders, sexual preferences, colors and ethnicities, religious practices or lack of them, households we come from (social status), ages, sizes and capacities are only a few examples of these differences. We believe that all our individual peculiarities should be valued and acknowledged. To love difference begins with being curious and open whenever someone seems different.
People who treat others unfairly because they are different from them in some way/s are discriminating against them. Oppression is one form/prejudice that commonly denies power to an individual or a group of individuals. It might be tough if we experience prejudice but there are resources and means to combat it. Know more about prejudice, resources for overcoming it and ways to fight it.
We need to work towards overcoming prejudgments based solely on appearances or identity and avoid prejudging others inaccurately. We can also oppose prejudice in its various forms by looking at our personal views, beliefs and behaviors (e.g., racism, sexism etc.). Let us reach out to people who do not look like us. Each person has something to teach as well as learn from others too especially when it comes to diversities; sometimes it may be hard but it’s also fascinating and fulfilling.
There will always be times in our lives where we feel unlike everyone else around us? Feeling unique can bring up several emotions such as pride, acceptance , loneliness or fear among other things Being considered differently depends on how those around us perceive us Every day each one of us makes choices about how we treat others And when you respect others enough to see what makes each of us different you make people feel at home proud important respected As such everyone therefore contributes on the world. Consequently every person has rightfulness for their dignity feeling safe within themselves.
When joining hands together in fighting against biases one becomes an ally. This means for instance, when men and women work together to eliminate sexism or white people support in eliminating racism. It takes a lifetime of studying and pondering to develop into an ally. All of us can stretch ourselves to think and behave more inclusively and tolerantly. We can do something too! Below are some ways we could enhance diversity in schools / communities?
Find out more about the history of your locality. Who were the original inhabitants of where you are now?