Gender identity and expression are important components of individual’s personality, while workplace safety and inclusivity for all employees is paramount. Transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming employees face unique challenges in the workplace, from discrimination and harassment to lack of understanding and support from colleagues and management.
As an employer, it’s crucial to realise that your workforce is diverse in terms of gender identity and expression. Below are some ways on how to navigate through gender identity and expression at the workplace:
Getting conversant with experiences of transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming employees can be one way of educating yourself as well as your team. These may include reading literature related materials like articles or books attending conferences/workshops/symposiums or consulting professionals.
All company communications such as emails, job postings, HR documents should use inclusive language such as avoiding assumptions about a person's gender based on their appearance and using pronouns which do not signal sex like “they”.
To ensure that all staff including those who do not identify themselves with either male or female have a feeling of comfortability as well as security in their working place it is necessary to design neutral places such as toilets.
Transgendered persons need supportive policies like being allowed to use preferred names/pronouns and provision of medical benefits for gender confirming care amongst others.
A better approach would be proactive measures against discrimination/harassment arising out of gender identity/expression. This might involve training workers on how they can tell if there’s any form of discrimination in order for them report early enough and making sure the complaints received are investigated promptly.
By doing this you will provide a safe environment that is friendly to all irrespective of their genders. When every employee feels respected and appreciated for whom he/she is then productivity at work place increases far more than ever before.
It is not easy to navigate through the issues of gender identity and expression in a workplace but it is a must for making an inclusive environment that can enable all workers to flourish. An employer should educate oneself and their team, use inclusive language, create areas that are neutral with respect to sex, carry out fair policies as well as combat discrimination and harassment. Thus, your working place will be more welcoming and supportive for everyone regardless of his or her gender identity and expression.