Do you wish to understand how cultural diversity is appreciated and valued? Look no further; here are three examples we would like to see as the best for you.
There were a few guides that made this on top of the list. Discussing ethnic diversity, Johnson & Johnson has got a holistic strategy. There is something for everyone, from using technology to eradicate gender discrimination to training interviewers to recognize and mitigate discrimination during the recruitment process.
Google solves a real problem for the world by providing 4000 languages to its users. This is what has driven the company forward. As their tagline puts it, they never try to evaluate a search engine on its front end.
With over a third of all managerial positions women occupy, Kellogg's ranked 21 in Diversity Inc.'s 2019 Top 50 Companies For Diversity rankings. This is higher than the national standard, and they favor benefits such as extended durations of maternity leave.
Implementing a culturally diverse strategy as a topic is a complex area. Two perspectives can be addressed: improving and advancing the achievement of such messages and understanding them by their target audiences. It can be the type of actions the company and the employees can undertake. Firstly, concerning what an organisation can do to manage and promote diversity in the workplace, the following strategies are possible:
Increasing your cultural awareness
Promoting and accepting diverse points of view
Training for implicit prejudice
Encouragement of the utilisation of mentors.
Employees must also fight for, manage and encourage diversity. They will be welcomed by many of their colleagues eager to share with them the background and the culture that they come from and that they must teach their colleagues, such as:
Putting on activities to celebrate their culture
Volunteering is a team-building exercise in organizations that work for the advancement of the marginalised.
In general – it's not easy enough to create a culturally diverse workplace. For instance, there are common issues that diverse businesses have. However, these should be addressed somewhere else. Such elements include but are not limited to assumptions of the invisibility of minorities, ineffective intercultural communication, the provision of adequate employment law, and differences in working and business practices.