And so the holiday season begins. Cities, shopping malls and neighborhoods are lit up with bright and colorful decorations. People often go online to shop on e-commerce websites for discounts and promotions. With the start of the festive season, retailers are trying to catch up with supply chains problems caused by Covid-19. The National Retail Federation has predicted a 10.5 % increase in holiday spending even though this year it is still grappling with supply chain problems caused by the pandemic. Meanwhile, intelligent firms anticipated growth in sales numbers beforehand and usually relied on external workforce that includes freelancers, contingent workers, independent contractors and temporary employees to fill these needs.
Some stores in retailing, logistic and hotel business have been seen boasting how many new people they need to employ due to the increased demand as we approach Christmas time. One part of this spike is a contingent worker recruitment, whilst another part is contingent worker engagement.
A motivated seasonal employee can make a huge difference by contributing much towards customer satisfaction or output enhancement being raised. In case of overworking stuff therefore leading them into frustrations because of their more working hours during peak period may bring disaster to company’s operations. Even if it is also ‘Christmas’ for them, however, such employees quickly sacrifice their family time as well as socialising opportunities just so that businesses can run smoothly meeting demand expectations too. Hence a developed employee involvement strategy will allow companies meet seasonal demands effectively.
Well-managed organisations understand what they need for earnings improvement, uncertainty management, further competition strengthening and future growth promotion in terms of next fiscal year preparation procedures (including annual talent planning for both internal, external employees). Planning should begin immediately following the end of this holiday season in order to be ready when another one comes along again later on. If HR and procurement departments have technology available which enables them to trace and evaluate performance of temporary workers, they can discuss reappointing seasonal staff.
Precise data like time in/out, skills and capabilities will allow a company to assess how much more resource can be utilised and upskilled for doing extra work. For example, a contingent worker hired as packer who also has interest in driving may be given a job of delivering goods. In this situation, the fund spent on a driving course that would improve student’s abilities behind the wheel of different types of vehicles including heavy-loaded trucks might help ensure that the employee is assigned duties that meet both his personal needs and company requirements thus leading to win-win situation.
Temporary employment requires good experience from the time it is contacted with a job requirement as full-time employment would be treated. This involves simple hiring and on-boarding process, provision of training, tools, and resources necessary to perform their duties, open communication lines, continuous feedback and an easy exit process at the end of the assignment period. Little gestures like treating them as team members by making them attend staff lunches and meetings either in person or virtually will go a long way. It is also wise to keep in touch with them after the job is complete should all things go smoothly.
Constant communication will inform customers about what happens within an organisation, create a relationship that leave them with a positive impression and attract their return. They must reflect such experiences before contemplating taking up this opportunity. For instance, seasonal workers may be retained as full-time employees if the company so wishes.
It is important to get prospective new recruits interested in their jobs again–to show past part-timers how much they are valued, or just how well an existing employee has performed many organisations provide discounts on items bought at the company store or through vendors used by the business, coupons for free products or services they sell etc., tuition reimbursement programs for those who want more education related to their work area or commissions paid on sales made by someone other than oneself.
A balance between those that are tangible and those which cannot be seen boosts engagement, productivity and motivation among workers. People become fully committed in terms of real work because they feel emotionally connected to it when they begin feeling cared for and ultimately results into better customer experiences and increased revenue.
Certainly, many people’s physical fitness and emotional health have been negatively affected by this pandemic crisis. Companies can use this holiday season as an opportunity to become great employers that stand out from others. One way of doing this is to frequently reward and acknowledge good performance. The company should set specific goals for the workers to be able to maintain their motivation and focus since these are “seasonal” positions with a specified duration of employment. Companies should take a minute when those objectives are achieved.
Morale and productivity may improve because seasonal employees feel respected, valued, or cared for by their supervisors. Managers can foster closer relations with the workforce by moving beyond mere thanks towards true acknowledgement of what was done and its contribution to the firm’s success while also creating employee recognition programs as well in order for them to truly establish trust and respect through such thoughtful acts at timely instances.
Creating a strong talent pipeline as well as adding value to the organisation both require engaging seasonal workers. Planning ahead in anticipation of these annual holidays will ensure that you have more committed employees, happier clients and better brand image.