According to Engage for Success, a recent report by the government task force, only one third of employees feel engaged at work. However, satisfied and motivated teams are more productive. It also implies that business is better for you. As a result, businesses in all sectors and sizes spend time, money and effort in talking to their workers to understand what truly makes work satisfying.
One sign of a high-performing team is openness and honesty amongst the members. Lack of engagement leads to conflicts easily due to communication gaps. It’s not enough to tell them what they should or shouldn’t be doing, or what you think they need to know. You must go beyond that level of communication with staff. Good communication entails informing people as well as inspiring them.
You can learn from fellow employees important things about their goals and aspirations for support through regular one-on-one meetings and team discussions. Their weaknesses should not be viewed as hurdles but instead fostered upon if there is any chance for improvement since it is possible to improve yourself further? For example could let them spend some time with another more experienced colleague who will help them get new credentials or attend networking events during office hours? Through this friendly atmosphere you can mentor each other with the aim of understanding both strengths and weaknesses within your team.
Your office is no different from any other work place, school or even living room across America where several individuals have diverse characters. Some want every single detail outlined and arranged strictly according pre-determined boundaries. Sometimes even empty sheets inspire creativity among others. Thus allowing your colleagues independence when it comes down having been assigned tasks without being micro-managed actually contributes towards empowering them since this gives them a sense of being valued plus trusted. However while providing direction as well as overseeing governance, it can be very satisfying for you to allow your employees autonomy in the way they do their daily tasks.
Companies with highly engaged workers also understand the importance of having a mentor, coach or “buddy system”. The most effective means of utilising their ambition and sense of purpose is through teaching your staff how to achieve their goals. It might involve meeting a specific project, personal growth plan or company wide initiative aimed at improving productivity. Begin by covering off the basics and ensuring that there’s set-up and support in place within your organisation for coaching. Look for ways to fit it into business as usual so that this is not seen as an add-on.
Both major corporations and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) need strategic objectives that describe goals they want to achieve. In addition, there should be mission that guides the path and a set of values governing the way one conducts oneself while trying to realise your objectives. If you really want your coworkers to feel like active members of your organisations, then this is how your goal, vision and values ought to be arrived at by involving all workers at all levels.
You will need to develop a corporate social responsibility strategy with your colleagues because it must also be something that everyone feels strongly about and is in line with the company's values and objectives. By letting staff decide together how they could give back, through fund raising or volunteering efforts towards the community, charity or cause that they are all behind so as too feel invested in any such initiatives. It does not only provide an avenue for team building but it’s good for business too.
Even if you do not work in a traditional creative field, there are still ways you can use imagination to think outside of the box. The most effective means of improving worker engagement is creating an environment where ideas flow openly and employees are willing to experiment new approaches in problem solving even those which are unsuccessful as well. Don’t forget honouring people who exhibit inventiveness. This can take form of simple awards like best practices improvement highlighted by things like “a bright idea” or “employee of the month.”
The question “Where do you see yourself in five, five or 10 years time?” has been asked to each one us either during job interviews or regular catch ups with mentors/supervisors etc. However, this may seem very difficult especially when you do not know what professional development options including mentoring or training available? One-on-one involvement can be effective as well. The best way to direct an employee’s ambition is by enhancing their skills, and providing them with coaching that will make them excel.
A happy staff that can communicate effectively amongst themselves is likely to be engaged. Today go out and enjoy yourselves! How about building a healthy work-life balance at your place of work? This can be as simple as organising regular office nights out or job-sharing events, having lunch together on a daily basis, refurbishing your staff room for better ambience, organising a lunchtime jogging club (or other exercise/activity you want), or taking regular lunch breaks together.
When was the last time you actually asked your employees how they felt about their job? Merely asking your workers for comments on what it is like working in your company can be called engagement. This could happen through private discussions, team building activities or anonymous surveys. For instance, Employees might find it easier to express their true feelings anonymously through a short Survey Monkey questionnaire. But you also have to be open to accepting criticism for what it really is—constructive criticism. It may be a good way of finding out where you are doing well and what areas your team feels you need to improve on or address.