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Why Diversity Matters in Royal Events?

Why Diversity Matters in Royal Events?

On May 6, 2023, the whole world watched as His Majesty King Charles III was inaugurated as the new King of Great Britain in a historical coronation. This occurrence is an important event in the British history that will be commemorated for many years to come. Nevertheless, when dealing with any high profile event it is important to consider diversity and inclusion.

Royal events are often seen as times of rejoicing and unity where people from all walks of life assemble together to commemorate important milestones. These events have historically attracted millions of viewers and supporters globally such as weddings, births and jubilees. Unfortunately, these occasions have sometimes been known to develop inclusive identity due to their white cisgendered able-bodied heterosexual focus on participants while intending on fostering community spirit. When such occasion does not reflect diversity it tends to signal exclusion hence sending a negative message about other individuals like those from minority groups. In this paper we discuss why it is necessary that royal events embody diversity and how organisers could ensure inclusivity for everyone.

Importance of Representation

One reason why diversity matters in royal events is because it makes sure that every member in the society feels visible and heard. In case there are only few people who dominate a certain event it may cause alienation among non-participating members within this category thereby giving rise to feeling left out especially by underrepresented communities like ethnic minorities, people with disabilities and LGBTQ+ individuals members included. The presence of diverse peoples in these royal activities should manifest inclusivity which implies they value all social beings equally.

Exclusion’s Ramifications

The effects of exclusion can be daunting either for the self or society broadly defined. When key cultural ceremonies continue excluding people it may result into feelings of being disempowered at societal levels thus leading towards seclusion, low self esteem and even depression too among the affected ones. Furthermore, perpetuating harmful stereotypes alongside reinforcing discrimination tendencies through exclusions can have a ripple effect on the entire society.

Steps Toward Inclusion

Fortunately, there are some actions that can be taken by organisers in making sure that royal events are more inclusive. One of the most important is to find and involve individuals from marginalised communities deliberately. This may entail working with community organisations or advocacy groups as one way of identifying participants who might want to get involved. Alternatively, these could involve such things like sign language while others would need wheel chair ramps so that no one is left behind during full participation.

The Role of Allies and Advocates

Allies and advocates also play a significant role in promoting diversity and inclusion within the context of royal events. They should use their platforms effectively for raising the voices of those disadvantaged people thus creating awareness about exclusion towards a more accepting atmosphere between their followers respectively. Furthermore, they can be used as examples for others as well as mentors who will inspire new generation leaders reflecting different backgrounds at these occasions.

Celebrating Diversity in Royal Events

In the end, royal events should be an opportunity to show how diverse and varied our society is. We can, indeed, create a truly inclusive and welcoming environment by involving persons from all walks of life. This is especially critical with regard to the coronation of King Charles III because it marks an important moment in history for the British monarchy. When organisers ensure that the event has diversity and is open to everyone, they will have established future direction of the monarchy and made known their commitment towards achieving a fairer society.


Inclusion in all spheres including royal events is paramount. It is through embracing diversity as well as celebrating underrepresented societies that we can have a more sociable inclusive society. Let’s make sure all voices are heard and celebrated at these Royal events and beyond #DiverseJobsMatter