Women have faced many challenges in their profession, from the entry-level to the C-Suite roles. It was shown in the "Women In the Workplace 2018" report that women of color are the lowest ranked in their employment, thereby being outranked by white males, males of color, and white females. Women of color dominate 17% of the entry-level positions yet hold 4 percent of C-Suite roles.
This underrepresentation gets worse in senior management positions. An Executive Survey Report revealed that women comprised only 22% of C-suite executive positions. In management positions, Global Men Dominate 62% while 38% of women attain the position of managers.
What's more interesting is that most of those firms' exit rates for women and men are comparable. So, the blame for this discriminatory practice and discrimination against the female gender cannot be placed on attrition.
Regarding wage payment, it is evident that women earn only 77.9 cents of every dollar men earn. A study by Payscale indicates that in 2018, women's average salary was about 22% deferred compared to men's average wage.
There are still battles related to the fight for equal pay for their male counterparts in India. The Real Numbers Labor report sponsored by the Bureau in India found that in rural regions working in Agricultural sectors, the average daily wage earned by men was .05 and by women was ₹205.32. In jobs other than agriculture, the average daily wage rate for men is ₹271.17, while for women, it is ₹205.90.
The issues of sexual as well as nonsexual harassment for women were many in the presence of #MeToo. These ranged from unwanted verbal harassment, visual harassment, and nonverbal harassment, as well as physical harassment.
Women in the Workplace report indicated that 35% of female employees in the full-time workforce within the corporate sector have suffered sexual harassment. Another study on this issue by EEOC explains that around 75% of women who experience such hostile situations will remain silent about the harassment. They experience this mainly when the perpetrator is someone of authority or a leader.
The question is often raised, "Why did the victim simply choose not to report?" The most common answer would be fearing that they may be the next in line to get terminated. It was found in an EEOC study that "75% of sexual harassment victims who reported the harassment experienced retaliation."
For instance, the unemployment penalty is longer for women during childbearing years. However, this means that women who take longer leaves have a more pronounced disadvantage in being able to be re-employed.
The previously mentioned report by Payscale also states, "Any individual unemployed for less than three months will suffer a gross penalty of 3.4% while an individual unemployed for more than a year will be penalised by 7.3 percent".
The report indicates that within the age bracket from 20-29.4 %of men are inactive for above 12 months, whereas 11% of women are in this category. In the age bracket of 30-44, the percentage of men and women who are unemployed is 10% and 20%, respectively. This, in the end, has a toll on the gender pay gap, making it difficult for younger women to reach high-ranking management positions at the puberty stage.
As many as 64 % of Americans believe that racism in the Ways society includes high poison anxiety. This has also been evident even in the office real estate market. There is a preference for white males and females over minority ethnic women.
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's (EEOC) 2017 Surveys of Workplace Discrimination found that claims regarding race discrimination accounted for 33.9% of the total claims submitted. A report published by the UK govt in 2017 suggests that if BME talent was fully employed in the UK, the economy could grow by 29 billion dollars.
What often happens in these situations of race and ethnicity discrimination of women at the workplace is claiming that a woman will not fit into the culture and work environment and, therefore, it is better to hire a white woman instead.